Juniors Information

All junior players who are interested in playing for Newman Knights this season will need to read the below information and complete the online registration form.

If you have any queries please contact juniors@newmanknights.com.au or via form on Contact page.

New to Hockey?

PP – Yr2

Our Club runs a Mini Knights Program over 8 weeks (2 x 4 weeks) as an ‘introduction to Hockey’ session at Newman College Churchlands for participants that would like to give hockey a go. The program is ideally suited to PP - Yr2 players. Our Club runs the Mini Knights programs during Terms 2 and 3 each year and registrations open via our website about 4 weeks prior to start of each 6 week program. All new participants will receive a hockey pack as part of their registration to get them going.

Junior Fact Sheet

Returning to Hockey?

J1/2 & J3/4 (players in Years 1 - 4) play in competition at Perry Lakes on Saturday mornings from May - August.
J5/6 - J11/12 (players in Years 5 - 12) games are played within the Hockey WA competition from May - September. Training usually starts in March/April for these teams.

Opportunities for Older Juniors

Older junior players (J9/10 & J11/12) within the club are strongly encouraged to undertake junior umpiring, coaching, or be an assistant coach for our junior teams or HookIn2Hockey to enhance their own game and develop their skills. Such assistance will likely qualify under schools’ “Service Learning” programs.

Year Nine boys and girls are strongly encouraged to umpire a younger age group for one year. All adult hockey players have to umpire and this is a good age to gain confidence. All J9/10 players will attend a mandatory umpiring training course. Classes are held before the season commences. Interested players can further develop their umpiring (and game) skills by providing paid umpiring services to junior teams.

Mouthguards and Shin-pads

It is compulsory for all Newman Knights junior players to have mouthguards and shin-pads. Players will not be permitted on the field without appropriate safety equipment. Parents please note that this is your responsibility.

Medical Conditions & Accidents requiring Medical attention

Club officials will make their best efforts to ensure appropriate medical attention is administered when required. If your child has a medical condition, please ensure that the coach and or manager is made aware of the condition prior to training and season commencement. Any special requirements remain the responsibility of parents or a pre-designated guardian.


Photographs may be taken of players from time to time and published on the club website and or in local papers and newsletters. If you do not wish for your child’s photograph to be published please ensure you tick the appropriate box on the Junior registration form.


Teams are formed based on players’ abilities. Committee members and coaches perform initial grading before the season starts. Some movement may occur within the early weeks of the season. In the J5/6 grades we try to keep friends together as much as possible, however general grading will still occur. Some players will be moved between grades within and across age grades. Occasionally playing in a higher grade can be of significant benefit to a player’s development. If there is more than one team in a designated age group the coaches may decide to implement a selection policy to ensure that equal opportunity is given to all children to play and perform at their highest ability. If you have any concerns regarding grading please contact the coach of your child’s team or contact the Junior Management Team.


Please refer to the Uniform and Merchandise Page


I've Read and Agree, Let's Register!

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